Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Prices For Salon Services

The Dark Side of the Moon Moon and

(Side of the Moon)

When a person becomes fond of astronomy and bought his first his first telescope or binoculars, puts aimed at the moon for its first observations. And this is normal, is what most "by hand" we have, and how the eye and can see details as you point your telescope to see just how close you get to see it. The first few times you get shocked, you see the many craters does the moon and you can even see the odd mountain. After several observations of the moon image is recorded you and you know recognize almost all of its parts.

But look again and again, although at different levels, always presents the same face. Why do you always see the same side?, "Just has that face the moon, Like to see the other side?. There are many questions one does, and how hoy dia, cualquiera tiene internet, en unos minutos encuentras respuestas a tus dudas. La verdad es que desde la Tierra solo se ve siempre la misma cara (en verdad conseguimos ver hasta 59% de la superficie total de la Luna), y es la que estamos cansados de ver en todos los sitios, aqui podeis ver algunas de las fotos que yo he hecho. Algunos piensan que no vemos la otra cara por que la Luna no tiene movimiento de rotación, es decir, no gira sobre si misma y que solo lo hace sobre la Tierra, movimiento de traslación. Esto es rotundamente falso, y si fuese así, si que veríamos todas las caras de la Luna.

Todos mas o menos conocemos que el tiempo que tarda la Luna en dar una vuelta sobre la Tierra (traslación) is 28 days, but not everyone knows is that the moon takes exactly the same time to give back on itself (rotation). This phenomenon causes always see the same face of the moon. What are you going to see better in the following 2D animation I made (the shaded half of the moon is the dark side):

As you can see, the moon always has the same face, if you realize, in these 8 steps, which makes one revolution around the Earth (translation), also turns around on itself (rotation). If not would spin on itself, or if its rotation period was different translation, if we could view other side, but the two periods being equal, the only way to see the dark side is getting out of the Earth, into space.

(As you can see, these 8 steps also turns on itself)

The picture that heads this post is a picture of the dark side. The first time I was able to photograph the face, was in 1959 by a Soviet spacecraft, the "Luna 3 '. And as you can see in the image, the face is much more "bombed" the other, and the reason is that face, and she is always staring into space, is more exposed to the impacts of small meteors. Building

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Easyworship Transition

phases over a period of 11 days

that I can finally make decent pictures, thanks to my digiscoping adapter home, I decided to follow the "growth" of the moon for a few days until it reaches the full moon phase. Specifically, the photos are from the Moon on the 25th of August to 4 September which was at the full moon phase. The picture quality is somewhat variable, some families have fared better than others, some with a little more brightness than others, with more details ... etc. We must also say that the more "big" is the moon, the harder it is to get details of craters and others. The end result is the following, I hope you like it.