Friday, February 25, 2011

Brent Everett Kostenlos

The next picture is taken during the day, but quite the opposite. The place belongs to the top of Bagordi, a small mountain that rises above the core of Elizondo. Although the place is completely dark, if we leave the camera open for 15 minutes, this is the result. The reflected light of day makes us the picture. In the background, Mount Auza.

Potterton Performa 28i Instrukcja

for Culture ALL together !!!!!

has been carried out within the Draft Cultural Identity restrengthening TOBA a series of meetings with the main reference of the Community. Because certain problems of understanding between different ethnic actors, we are making from our organization a great energy to ensure that together we can strengthen even more their own culture, partisan or religious factions, seeking the sacred fire manetener Identity tuff as standard future generations. Little by little we are achieving small goals we set, and we have a reunion with the most representative leaders such as Milton Knight, who is the Casique de la Comunidad y Andres Caballero, un luchador social, tambien de la comunidad TOBA, quienes por diferentes motivos se encontraban distanciados, pudimos lograr que se sentaran en una mesa y empezar a trabajar, desde su perspectiva y con el acompañamiento de los voluntarios del ECOCLUB, con el unico fin de fortalecer la CULTURA TOBA. Por medio de pequeños proyectos buscamos promover la concientización de diversos importantes factores culturales tales como sus leyendas ancestrales, sus artesanías, sus bailes, vestimentas, cantos y demás exposiciones artísticas además de sus costumbres y tradicionales valores de cooperación e integridad como un vehículo hacia la reinstauración de su extremadamente rico patrimonio cultural and improving their quality of life. In addition to this we recognize the immediate needs among its social problems and find solutions. For example, it seeks to prevent dropout and promote better interaction with the health center and its services, actions that add to our ongoing work with children (Chorus Estate Qompi, artistic expression, games, children's soccer teams, support school, etc) will continue working for an organized TOBA Community and living with as much dignity as possible. THANKS to all who support this project, the largest volunteer CONGRATULATIONS!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mia Nadine J Freeones

Next Activity Valverde

Next Friday February 25, Cygnus Valverde starts with the public activities in 2011.
This time Cygnus moves to the town of Villanueva de los Castillejos for the activity "A tour of the stars" organized by the Commonwealth Beturia occasion of the commemorative activities for its 18 anniversary. Events take place at the Center for Interpretation of Nature " The Dehesilla " and will start at 21:30 h, consist of Orientation night exposure astrophotography by the group and observation instruments.

I Poured Grease Down The Sink, Now Its Clogged

girl hill express their participation in major Paraguayan Film. SPECTACULAR

Rosario Gimenez girl who attends the workshops express Cultural Center, last Sunday, closed its large participation in the filming of the movie "THE ORANGE SUGAR" the famed director Galia Gimenez (Maria Escobar, Requiem for a Soldier, The Winter Gunter, among other productions). These scenes were made in the DALT Camping in the Porteño neighborhood of our city, owned by Mr. Eugenio Garay, a very nice place and adapted to the needs of the filming. Galia footage exclusively for travel to Rosario, was accompanied by the cameraman Marco Gauto, who in the course of 4 hours conducted a series of photographs intended to supplement the participation of Rosarito in that film. ECOCLUB thanked the MAPFRE Foundation for the support provided by the CC express these small place where values \u200b\u200bare formed and allows us to be part of events such as the filming of a movie of a great filmmaker like Gaul Paraguayan Gimenez. A brief summary of the movie can be seen in

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Best Places In Hyderabad

you soon ... Three days

After the long time that has passed since the last entry I posted, I put this image captured from above Gorramendi Mount, and is that even though we are in February, climbing to the summits need to observe the remaining snow in the Pyrenees. Undoubtedly, a proper time in March.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Airsoft License?canada

closing Holiday Camps.

SPECTACULAR summer camps took place in the Camping DALT the Porteño neighborhood of our city, more than 110 children from the four districts where, since December 2010 Home Project "Holiday Camps 2010-2011." Children of May 1, TOBA, ACA, September 29 enjoyed a day in the sun, in a

beautiful place, surrounded by nature, with all services according to the place. Much joy was observed throughout the day, where he made a lot of games, dynamic, small team competitions, where the children could share with others and spend an unforgettable day. The Camps met its goal of becoming a forum for participation and containment of children in these neighborhoods, three times a week for two hours in every game they played, painted, danced, drew and many other things but, accompanied by more local and 6 international 30voluntarios that were provided entirely by them, in total more than 160 children from diciembbre, 2010 until yesterday, enjoyed this project and committed solidarity Teens and young leaders of our organization . ECOCLUB like to thank the Fundacion MAPFRE, the owner of the camping Dalto, Eugenio Garay, Panaderia San Jose, for their support during all camps and especially in this magnificent closing. THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!! and continue working for more !!!!!!

Scorpio Men And Interest


This week we received a great news for this group, the magazine "Astronomy" has awarded the work of one of our members, giving the award for astronomical image of March 2011 , Francis J. Hidalgo Mora, secretary and founding member of Cygnus Valverde, for the photographic work with the solar eclipse that took place on January 4, coinciding with the dawn.

is a pride for the entire group that a magazine of national circulation, choose from many astrofotos good, a study conducted by one of our colleagues, especially knowing the hours and hours spent Francisco J. several years to perform their fantastic works, of which there are already several published by this magazine and other media, but never before and brand image of the month.

friend Fran, you deserve it for delivery, dedication, love, passion, patience and of course, for being a friend of you learn so much.

Fran, we know it's hard to make you an acknowledgment of this type, job costing and what it means for you:


VALVERDE We can see more pictures and works of Francisco J. in our gallery picasa:

https: / / / cygnusvalverde / TrabajosDeAstrofotografiaRealizadosPorSocios #

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Brawny 30 Liters Garbage Bags

Healthy Smile !!!!!

One of the most important tasks of adolescents and youth leaders of our Association is to find people and children in our case specifically, have a better quality of life, and we believe that health is an important pillar for this conception. This week he returned to retoamr an idea that began long ago that it was taking the kids to the neighborhood health center, we start with the neighborhood kids TOBA, where local and international volunteers, prior authorization of the parents accompanied children to visit the doctors, this time they visited the dentist and dermatologist. These doctors serve on the Neighborhood Health Center TOBA, a center of public attention free. Children as well as the volunteers were treated very well by the staff of the medical center. We thank the Director Dr. Zarza, doctors and assistants as well as to the service personnel. CONGRATULATIONS to the volunteers for the effort and later !!!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Action Replay Pokemon Gpsphone

story of a long-awaited departure

finally get the input that all components of Cygnus wanted to read how hard it was to occur. . After a long period of inactivity due to bad weather we are punished when the weekend arrived, we were finally able to leave on Friday. This time the occasion was special because doblemennnte going to open our home astronomically partner Inma Rafael and his wife are superbly prepared Berrocal. Of the hosts say that they treated us great and that made it much more pleasant day, if it could be. After reaching the ultimate companion to vary was the president, began with the opening of plants with a gastronomic session narrowly failed that nobody could raise the seats. About midnight, and after the titanic effort to abandon the splendid table, fireplace and the wonderful atmosphere, the staff got to work.

As expected the untrained fruit of these months of inactivity, the group took its toll on so much of the session was devoted to fine-tune the instruments. The star of the evening was the brilliant team of our friend José Manuel, a tube S / C LXT Celestron 8 "mounted on a mount CEGEM left us very dissappointed by the quality to have this telescope and the expectations that we offer. Another of the new arrivals was the Cygnus new Canon Eos 7D Juan Francisco that night were baptized in astronomy since previous night it did in the solar eclipse, the impression was that this is a great camera that will give many joys.

The work was highly dispersed and the staff did everything, José Maria José Manuel and were devoted to observation and searching for objects, José Juan, and Juan Francisco pulled anque astrophotography as always the more pots I have for this purpose was Francisco Javier, indeed vain as usual. After it was D. Miguel ... ... there D. Miguel ... ... Rafael hardly did anything with the binoculars because the man did not stop to hear us. Finally Luis Carlos Suárez He perfected his new project to photograph people with the background of stars and it offers all the public who wish to leave photographed in such a framework. For anyone interested just contact with at .

That night the area was very active amateur astronomy to close because there Pillory, the companions of the Association Andromeda Huelva also enjoyed the wonderful day that brought us the weather.

Finally arriving at 7:00 pm and with a temperature of 0 º ended the day with the taste of having spent a wonderful evening with friends doing what we like. Hope to repeat soon though fortunately we are headed a carousel of activities by the end of February and March.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

When Do Muscle Relaxers Expire

Astronomical Painting of a young artist was held Valverdeña

already know that in this wonderful world and yet so complicated astronomy There are many ways to realize their greatness. About getting every day knowledge advances, that eventually will no doubt be essential for the development of the Humanity, other perhaps the majority, leaving his mark on the work made after many nights and hours of observation, astrophotography or is the subject of this entry astronomical painting.

If we combine the art of painting with the show which gives us the sky, we add a delicate way to unite them and if it is a young artist who does Valverdeña, the cocktail is unsurpassed.

Marta Mantero is called and is only 9 years but leaves us all with his mouth open. With a knack for painting that only few people possess, Marta has started its way into astronomical painting the fans probably woke him and dedication of his father. First he surprised us with an exact replica of the galaxy M31 astrophotography where every star and details were exactly in place. Now we are left surprised by this film for the transit of Jupiter moon Callisto by which leaves no escape

nothing of the real scene.

By our part we are very happy because we see reflected in Marta the work we do for many years with children. Hope to continue to give off hoping that many people born the seed of love for Astronomy. From here we ask all children and older who have some work in astronomy send it to us to enjoy it and publish it.