Friday, October 30, 2009

First Birthday Polkadot

The Orion Nebula (at least intuit xd)

Nothing after the first decent astro star, I have decided to try the same thing with Orion Nebula (M42 and M43). Is more complicated than a star, because the brightness of the nebula is weaker and to remove at its best it takes several minutes of exposure to capture all of its light. Even so, compact camera with just 1 second of exposure, the end result was not as bad as some senses at least cloudiness.

The truth is that the Orion cosntelaciĆ³n am very involved with his famous belt and one of the most famous nebula and a favorite among amateur astronomers. It is quite easy to locate, even for people who are not accustomed to watching the stars. If you look at the sky, sure you find the belt quickly, which is the first thing you are, then do the "drawing" an imaginary head and see perfectly the constellation.

I'm thinking of buying a solar laminates to fit them and so the telescope to observe the sun and try to photograph and hopefully, see an occasional sunspot. I've always been curious to see with the telescope, but without good protection in sheet form, is dangerous not to say that is reckless as to observe the sun directly with a telescope or binoculars without any kind of sunscreen is provoke some irreparable damage to the eyes. So to see if I get the sheet and begin to tell you things too the sun.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Creatine Brazilian Prices

The Pleiades

I am slowly progressing in the world of astrophotography, before one was able to take pictures of the moon, now I dare to stars and some other object Messier . The truth is that working with a team composed of a 3.2-megapixel compact camera is not easy, and if you compare the results with those with SLR cameras and telescope tracking engine, you can take to mourn. But the question is not who does it more beautiful or who makes the best picture, if not enjoy astronomy with the media you have, either with smaller telescopes, only with binoculars or not, at first glance you can also enjoy of astronomy.

The other day, I took the telescope to the terrace with a camera and home digiscoping adapter included. I wanted to try to take pictures of stars and to look up, the first thing I found was the pleiades . So I did not think, point the telescope, "hook" to the camera and started taking photos. At first glance, the Pleiades are very easy to find, and is one of the best known star clusters. It has been estimated that this cluster is composed of about 500 stars, emphasizing on the other 8, which are: Taygeta, Pleione, Merope, Maia, Electra, Calaeno, Atlas and Alcoyne.

The image that you can see the beginning of this entry, is composed of two different images. The left is a picture I did of the Pleiades (or rather part of the Pleiades) where you can see Stars Atlas, Pleione, Alcoyne and Merope. On the right is a simulated image of the cluster, the program Stellarium. There you can see the full cluster with all its stars.

Since the telescope are more stars than have left in the photo, but it's hard to capture those shiny with a camera so limited in features such as mine. Still, I am quite happy with the picture ^ ^.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Piper Aztec Parts Manual

"Astrovideo" Moon

Seeing that the day was more or less clear, and that the time change makes dark earlier, I used to do something that had long been thinking, and is nothing to make a slide show with videos made by me of the moon with different eye. Although the evening began to appear a few small puffs. The end result of assembly of the videos is as follows.

A funny thing happened to me was that while he was pointing at the moon and "fingering" the camera, I saw this screen, a plane passing "through" of the Moon. A pity that at that time was not recorded, because the picture was incredible. Also took the opportunity to record a short video of the main star of the constellation of Auriga, Capella. And the reason that prompted me to record it and nothing else, was the striking contrast of colors that could be seen eye. Being situated on the horizon, and "thank you" to our atmosphere, Capella had a striking range of colors like a disco xd focus.

When I finished making the videos, the puffs became cloudy, so I kept the telescope and left for another occasion.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gemmy Incredible Light Show Not Working

New multimedia section

a while since I wanted to create this section, and finally I decided to do so. As some already know, the blog available in an online channel through which aired several documentaries on astronomy. For a time, every time I try to upload any documentary that channel errors occur at any time, even I sometimes happened that after a while uploading the video when i was ready, gave me an error and "Jodie" everything. Other times it took over the account and others would not let me upload anything. So that an inability to further increase channel video library, I decided to put it aside and create a section of videos in the multimedia section. In the documentary will go up astronomy, from places like youtube, megavideo, .., which will be divided into parts, but thanks to a small rate, it will be easy to find the one you want.
videos section, there will be two more sections, a podcast where I will upload different audio programs on astronomy and one on wallpapers (wallpapers), where I will collect these wallpapers can be found on the Web.

All these items can be accessed from the horizontal menu bar that you can find the top of the page, you only have to click on "multimedia" and enter into that section.

Nothing more, I hope some will enjoy these contents and for any suggestions, here I am. Greetings to all

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Edible Glitter To Put In Drinks

Disappointing Mars

takes time off for various things, including astronomy. The other day I could finally see again, dust the telescope and me took a look. NO had a definite goal, I just started to see again those stars that until little more than a month were common in my observations at night. Jupiter

the first, with its 4 moons. A few stars and then tried again with the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). The latter cost me quite locate it, the truth is that if you are not well adapted eyes the darkness of the night, it costs more to see things, and if what you're trying to do is find a galaxy with a telescope like the Skylux, but still. But I got to see or rather guess hahaha.

Finally I pointed to Mars, a planet which had long wanted to see, the truth is that after seeing planets like Jupiter and Saturn, the image of Mars will leave some cold. You do not get any details distinguish just a tiny point. Throughout this week I will try to photograph it, but do not expect much because if the telescope is a pittance, imagine as we shall see in the picture I'll do with the team I have.

I'm back again, so you will continue seeing me around here like before this little impasse.