Nothing after the first decent astro star, I have decided to try the same thing with Orion Nebula (M42 and M43). Is more complicated than a star, because the brightness of the nebula is weaker and to remove at its best it takes several minutes of exposure to capture all of its light. Even so, compact camera with just 1 second of exposure, the end result was not as bad as some senses at least cloudiness.
The truth is that the Orion cosntelaciĆ³n am very involved with his famous belt and one of the most famous nebula and a favorite among amateur astronomers. It is quite easy to locate, even for people who are not accustomed to watching the stars. If you look at the sky, sure you find the belt quickly, which is the first thing you are, then do the "drawing" an imaginary head and see perfectly the constellation.
I'm thinking of buying a solar laminates to fit them and so the telescope to observe the sun and try to photograph and hopefully, see an occasional sunspot. I've always been curious to see with the telescope, but without good protection in sheet form, is dangerous not to say that is reckless as to observe the sun directly with a telescope or binoculars without any kind of sunscreen is provoke some irreparable damage to the eyes. So to see if I get the sheet and begin to tell you things too the sun.