The Pleiades
I am slowly progressing in the world of astrophotography, before one was able to take pictures of the moon, now I dare to stars and some other object Messier . The truth is that working with a team composed of a 3.2-megapixel compact camera is not easy, and if you compare the results with those with SLR cameras and telescope tracking engine, you can take to mourn. But the question is not who does it more beautiful or who makes the best picture, if not enjoy astronomy with the media you have, either with smaller telescopes, only with binoculars or not, at first glance you can also enjoy of astronomy.
The other day, I took the telescope to the terrace with a camera and home digiscoping adapter included. I wanted to try to take pictures of stars and to look up, the first thing I found was the pleiades . So I did not think, point the telescope, "hook" to the camera and started taking photos. At first glance, the Pleiades are very easy to find, and is one of the best known star clusters. It has been estimated that this cluster is composed of about 500 stars, emphasizing on the other 8, which are: Taygeta, Pleione, Merope, Maia, Electra, Calaeno, Atlas and Alcoyne.
The image that you can see the beginning of this entry, is composed of two different images. The left is a picture I did of the Pleiades (or rather part of the Pleiades) where you can see Stars Atlas, Pleione, Alcoyne and Merope. On the right is a simulated image of the cluster, the program Stellarium. There you can see the full cluster with all its stars.
Since the telescope are more stars than have left in the photo, but it's hard to capture those shiny with a camera so limited in features such as mine. Still, I am quite happy with the picture ^ ^.
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