How to observe the eclipse in The Solar Eclipse
After a day incredibly variable, where it snowed for three-thirty in the afternoon and cleared an hour later, the Group was able to successfully Osiris Astronomical observing the solar eclipse from 11/7/2010 Maiten, a town about 70 km from El Bolson. Just took a total of about 150 people, many of the Andean Region, who came to the nearby town despite bad weather (rain Puelo Lake between the hours of eclipse). Although the first ten minutes was positioned a cloud in front of the Sun, starting at 17.10 hours could fully enjoy the eclipse, with a large number of adults and children taking photos and noting the temperature despite was about 0 ยบ C at 18.05 hours, hours that the sun set behind the low mountains located to the northwest. In turn, people who attended could simultaneously enjoy the football World Cup final on big screen, having a warm place to rest during the time of lowest temperature.
can see some of the photos we have taken (with a low level of improvement) at:
hope you enjoy much as we enjoyed this beautiful activity.
For those who have taken photos of the eclipse and want to share, we set up an environment Virtual all we receive, citing people who have obtained, time and place. To do this, we ask that you send by mail to:
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