Sunday, May 22, 2011

Filmes Gratis De Incesto Italiano

Astrophotography week's World's Astrophotographers

We have chosen this week as winner of Word's astrophotography Astrophotographers.

is a stunning capture of the emission nebula NGC 6888 popularly known as growing or crescent nebula because its form resembles the moon when in this period. Located in the constellation Cygnus, this cosmic bubble is the result of emissions from the outer layers of massive central star terminally WR136 (Wolf-Rayet 136) has a diameter of about 25 light years and is at a distance of 4700Al . For your correct observation this object requires large aperture instruments and filter.

astrophotography was done by the Finnish JP Metsavainio from Oulu (Finland) and this week we highlight as winning the World's Astrophotographers.

Meade LX200 GPS 12 "
SXV-AO Active Optics 11Hz
7Nm Baader H-alpha, subs 20min 4.5h
Baader O-III 8.5 nm 2h 40min 20min
S-II 1 h 5 min 3x3

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How To Make Homemade Jack Offer

Astronomical activity with the Guardia Civil de Valverde

Last Friday
Cygnus Valverde made a dedicated astronomical activity agents and family members belonging to Civil Guard barracks of Valverde del Camino.

They were a great number of people that hopefully would not miss this first encounter with the cosmos.

Attendees were able to witness an explanation of the instruments that were to observe, notions of orientation and viewing astro night by members Cygnus Valverde.

astronomical for this group has been a great pleasure to perform this time with the players and their families to appreciate your host and magnificent dinner which we shared.

Monday, May 16, 2011

How To Clean My Circulon

astrophotography Week World's Astrophothographers

The Horsehead Nebulae Region


This week's winner World's Astrophotographers is a great perspective on the region of the B33 dark nebula (Barnard 33) or popularly known as the Horse Head because of the way that makes their vision from our perspective.
The Horsehead Nebula is a cloud of cold gas and dark contrast against a red emission nebula called IC 434. It is located about 1500 light-years from Earth, south of the far left of Orion's Belt.

We can also look to the left of the emission nebula NGC2024 or "Flame Nebula" in his trademark red fruit of the luminosity of hydrogen atoms that compose . The brightest star is Zeta Orionis picture is one of the three components of the famous belt of Orion.

was made by Chris Meijers from Heerlen (Netherlands) and highlighted this week as the winner of World's Astrophothographers

8 "Newton Astrograph on a EQ6 Pro mount.
Fully guided with a MTO 11C A ( 100 @ f/10 )
Exposures in filters 10 x 700 seconds
10 x 500 seconds SII
10 x 400 seconds OII
25 Darks and 15 Flats Used

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Unlock Channels Dvb Dream

Designed and painted our shirts!! Nuria

A nice activity are being developed in the neighborhoods where ECOCLUB is working, the volunteers and the children have designed and colored shirts, the same have made beautiful drawings a technique that we teach our volunteer Ruth international. Much interest was in children and adolescents who participated in this proposal. Many mothers also came to see the technique of dyeing, and get through this back to color certain items. This activity seeks to somehow give the children skills in a fun and happy, so that they themselves can later retrieve their clothing. Congratulations to the volunteers who provide entirely by our children, who work tirelessly every day in the actions of the various projects being undertaken ECOCLUB.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cubase 5 With Integrated Sound Card

More than 500 Friends of the Week

Today we would like to share the happiness we feel in Cygnus Valverde by over 500 friends in Facebook. Through this network we have the opportunity to share experiences and work with amateurs and professionals from around the world.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Coconut Oil As Butter Substitute In Baking?

Astro World Astro's Astrophotographers

This time Astro chosen as this week is a fantastic making one of the most famous globular clusters can be, even if conditions permit, the naked eye from the northern hemisphere. The globular cluster M13 (Messier ) was discovered in 1714 by English astronomer who noted Edmond_Halley " shown naked eye when the sky is clear and the moon absent." It is located in the constellation Hercules, and we can observe in all its splendor between spring and summer. This beautiful object is a distance of 25,000 light years and its diameter is about 150. For amateur astronomers
his observation is certainly a must day after day to see this beautiful cluster of stars that exploded with light and contrast of the ocular field.
Its luminosity is of a magnitude of 5.8 which means it can be seen with binoculars or small telescopes initiation.

winning Astrophotography brings us Hartmut from Germany who made Bornemann decision in May 2008.
In this picture we can highlight its focus and depth of field that makes possible the vision of the stars in the core if it comes out overexposed, it is hard to do and gives you valuable work.

Globular Cluster M13
Telescope: Takahashi TOA-150, field flattener
FF67 Camera: SBIG ST-2000XM, CFW-8
Guide scope: Takahashi FS-60
Guide camera: SBIG ST-402ME
Mount Takahashi EM-400
Software: CCDSoft, own calibration and stacking, PhotoShop CS2

Hartmut Bornemann

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Doujin Bleach Orihime Ichigo

and Carlos arrived! Welcome! Important

in the day yesterday arrived from Madrid (Spain) two volunteers who develop different activities in our Association, Nuria De Francisco has a degree in pedagogy, has 34años is an expert in co-development projects, counseling and family mediation, training of trainers, has extensive experience working with children and adolescents, Carlos Camacho Perez Elementary Education Teacher, activity guide, co-development expert and migration by Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Tecnico in new technologies applied to education, 29 years old. We are very happy that compose ECOCLUB and have people so committed and so much capacity that will come to work with us on this day to day community work, that ultimately the only thing that seeks to improve the quality of life of people. Nuria and Carlos WELCOME !!!!!!! SUCCESS in your stay in our Association and Clorinda. STRENGTH!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ohio Hunting Whitetail Deer Trip

social work and Florence

Always ECOCLUB social privilege, since their aim is to improve the quality of life of people, in this case through the hard work and commitment of many volunteers we are helping many children to attend medical visits (dentists, pediatricians, dermatologists, etc) and also we are currently helping a child strongly Qom (Toba), Gaston Noguera, 8, who suffers from a genetic disease, according to the first diagnosis and seeing the seriousness of the case management for carrying ECOCLUB the Provincial Capital and us to realize more complex studies and clinical neurologists. So the day was Monday and Thursday we traveled to the City of Formosa and he made some checks and imaging analysis. It should be noted that the latter was performed in the private Institute CETEM high complexity in diagnostic imaging. We are waiting for the results to follow the steps intended to help our friend Gaston. ECOCLUB wishes to thank the volunteers who accompanied them to the child's mother for the trust, the President of the Deliberative Council, Jose Nuñez driver of the ambulance, the Company Godoy in the person of Mr. Daniel Paz, the director, physicians , nurses and hospital services Clorinda and the Hospital of the Mother and Child Formosa, the Institute CETEM and all who work in anonymity.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bluetooth Headset That Play Music Jabar

Thanks Camille! Mural on the island

at noon, began their journey to Bolivia international volunteers had ECOCLUB in these three months, Florence Desoignies Schramme and Camille, both of Belgian nationality, who developed a great job in our Association in different areas where we tried to bring joy and different for the daily activities of children and adolescents. It was so worked ACA neighborhood, TOBA, 29 September and 1 May and also visited the island ananda. We value their commitment and solidarity, the desire to have at all times with the good vibes that characterize them. We wish them every success in carrying forward. THANK YOU !!!!!! by all!

Pregnancy How Sweet It Is Answers

Next week's

                                                  Big size
Carl O'Beirne and David Moore of the Centre Balbriggan, Co Dublin (Ireland).

This week our winner of World's Astrophotographers is a picture of one of the greatest engineering achievements of man, the International Space Station, taken from Balbriggan, Co Dublin.

know the difficulty of this type of capture, due to the speed of its orbit (7.7 km/s- 27743km. / H) and exit fairly well, in this case a fantastic, with an amateur team, hence its great value. Was captured using "satellite Tracker software and a Celestron C14 at f11 with a" mono camera Lumenera 2.0 "to 30 fps., A saddle Ap1200. The image is 3 frames (frames) V4 RegiStax manually stacked and some tinkering with Photoshop CS3.

By Carl O'Beirne and David Moore of the Centre Balbriggan, Co Dublin (Ireland). Irish

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rca Surround Sound Distance Settings


Thanks to the excellent predisposition of our local artist Marcelo Schulteins, the group of volunteers from the Association and the considerable support provided by the Coast Guard Argentina, Puerto Pilcomayo in the person of Mr. Dominguez Senior Prefect, we moved to the island to take some donations ananda and paint the mural in the Jardin de Infantes Many of the island is the joy we share with children, teachers and administrators of educational institutions that place these two days we spent in this beautiful area of \u200b\u200bFormosa geography. is the second mural is painted on the island previously visited by the Master Angeles Espinosa and Nicasio Diaz Llanos was painted another in the School No. 211. Also want to bring donations of clothing for children and adults, we thank the people all the time getting closer to then be distributed in different areas where developing ECOCLUB activities. The volunteers spent two very nice days, where they shared the daily life of children and people living there. CONGRATULATIONS to all who participated in this wonderful experience, special thanks to Mr. Dominguez Senior Prefect and NPA staff, the Director of the School No. 211 and the Director Marcelino Zanabria kindergarten.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Recipes For Macaron Cookies

Cygnus Activivdad Valverde

On Thursday April 28, Cygnus Valverde, an event of observation instruments in school residence Javier López de Valverde del Camino, on the occasion acts of Cultural week from Monday is being done in the center.
The day will begin at 22:00 pm and be held in the backyard of Don Bosco IES.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Nylon In Running Tights


Oleg Bryzgalov

Telescope SW 25012P 1200 mm f / 5
Mount WS-180
QSI camera-583wsg
Baader MPCC
Off-axis guidecamera Orion SSAG.

begin this new section, publishing astrophotography winning week in our newly created group Wordl's Astrophotographers .
This impressive composition "M81 versus M82 " made by the Ukrainian Oleg Bryzgalov
, shows two galaxies located in the constellation Ursa Major. To the right is the spiral M 81 that within 12 million light years can see, even with telescopes very small, its characteristic oval shape with arms define which parts of a bright nucleus. M82 left also with a distance of 12 billion light years away is a galaxy called irregular because they do not fit into any pattern classified by the Hubble sequence, it is now classified as a barred spiral galaxy seen edge. This unusual galaxy is popularly known as the "Cigar Galaxy" because of the smoke cosmic infrared emission of large dust particles swept by stellar winds from the bright central star.

True Image Interrupted Installation

started the computer courses

Again kicked off the computer courses in the Chamber of Father Carlos Mugica EPES No. 454. All students in grades 6 to take introductory classes in computer science, which includes introduction to the Windows environment and most common applications such as Word word processor, the Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations presenter and an introduction to the Internet. The room has 15 computers donated by the Ministry of Education of the Nation, equipped with all safety features for working with children, air conditioning cold - heat, high speed Internet access. The classes provide ECOCLUB volunteers are advanced operators, accompanied by teachers of the institution. Note that this is the second promotion of freshmen, the Director of the EPES No. 454, Angelita Boselli, always expects his students to have opportunities for incorporating knowledge allowing them to be included later. in the different areas that will need to share. Are more than 400 children have passed through the various courses offered by EPES ECOCLUB No. 454 since January last year. ECOCLUB grateful for the confidence by the Director, for the maintenance and management of the Chamber Father Carlos Mugica and congratulated the volunteers who give their best effort to give this great opportunity for children.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Facebook Of Stockings

Cygnus Week presents World's Astrophotographers

Today we are pleased to present
"World's Astrophotographers "
our group Flickr Astrophotography
Cygnus and intended to open a window astrophotographers world where all the world to publish their work and to closer to our readers. Thanks to the high quality of work, which undoubtedly will be published daily in the group, we can admire and learn from the objects in the sky that made fellow fans around the world, demonstrating the enormous value credited amateur astronomy. Valverde Cygnus
Weekly published on his blog the work selected as Picture of the week.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Asics Gel-sensei 3 Mt.

Xorroxin, a mythological place in March

It's spring and Easter. Get to choose place to disgorge the camera and what better than the destination for tourists visiting the Baztán Xorroxin cascade or "Lamiputzu." This latter name comes from the word in Euskera pit lamias. " According to the legends, they used to see women with crowbars or fishtail combing her hair beside the waterfall and disappeared mysteriously. Of course, today no one believes in these legends, but nevertheless, it remains a hidden and mysterious. Located in the foothills of Mount Auza and where spring waters later become the river Baztán.