The Horsehead Nebulae Region
and This week's winner World's Astrophotographers is a great perspective on the region of the B33 dark nebula (Barnard 33) or popularly known as the Horse Head because of the way that makes their vision from our perspective.
The Horsehead Nebula is a cloud of cold gas and dark contrast against a red emission nebula called IC 434. It is located about 1500 light-years from Earth, south of the far left of Orion's Belt. We can also look to the left of the emission nebula NGC2024 or "Flame Nebula" in his trademark red fruit of the luminosity of hydrogen atoms that compose . The brightest star is Zeta Orionis picture is one of the three components of the famous belt of Orion.
was made by Chris Meijers from Heerlen (Netherlands) and highlighted this week as the winner of World's Astrophothographers
8 "Newton Astrograph on a EQ6 Pro mount.
Fully guided with a MTO 11C A ( 100 @ f/10 )
Exposures in filters 10 x 700 seconds
H-Alpha 10 x 500 seconds SII
10 x 400 seconds OII
25 Darks and 15 Flats Used
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