Monday, December 21, 2009

Oval Shower Rod Wall Mount

Happy holidays! Orbitron

some Semans ago I have barely time to write on the blog. December examinations, work at this time increases, and time, not with us lately, has given me a little abandoned blog. To see if the bag some more dates next time and keep writing and I keep going through those Friends blogs.

That said, take this opportunity to wish you from here, to you, happy holidays. And you enjoy the company of your family at this time. Just do not overdo it with food to see if you enter the new year with some Kilin's more, hahaha.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Ingeo


few days ago, Roberto told me about this program, so I was easier to track the International Space Station (ISS). The program can download it from the web , pinchais on the English flag to the top right there and ready.

The truth is that this very, very well, have data from hundreds and hundreds of satellites, with their paths and others. You can view real-time path, or simulate that has the date and time you want dandodote as azimuth and elevation data, so you know exactly where you are going to happen. A good way to be prepared to see through the telescope, or why not filmed.

still do not have "junk" much, but if you have a question, say, like I can help. Also I found online, this small tutorial that a person has made about the program. Actualicéis important that the program once installed, configuration (Alt + F5), pinchais Update TLE, then the tab group, selecionamos and double click on the file. zip that leaves us.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Funny Greek Life Awards

eyes Albireo

time ago, reading an article Roberto posted on his blog, I learned that there were a host of stars, NGC 457, which they called the accumulation of ET. I could not resist and a few days after I started to see with my telescope. And the truth is that was not hard to find, it's easy to find, since it is near the constellation Cassiopeia.

At first only saw the two brightest stars, which are the "eyes", and then at the time of looking, I started increasingly receivable stars to make the imaginary picture of a person, eyes, arms and legs. Of course, being in heaven was the most witty ET affectionately call hahaha.

In the picture above article can barely see your eyes, my camera did not come to capture the brightness of other stars. A pity because the image is very curious. A contnuación I put the image of the same cluster but captured by an amateur, Ricardo Velazquez, which are not all stars in the cluster but the main ones are those that form the body.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Average Number Of Members At A Gym

Albireo is a star in the constellation Cygnus, and although at first glance looks like a single star, when you look with good binoculars or a telescope, you discover that is not a star, if not two. The brightest star is yellow (Albireo A), and the fainter, blue (Albireo B), offering an incredible contrast, one of the favorite double stars by amateur astronomers.

But it does not end there, as the brightest, Albireo A, is itself another double star, and which consists of two stars. But at that level of detail I could not get there, I could only see the top two, which I described earlier, and that can see in the picture that heads this post, a picture I made and did not go all wrong, where you can see the two stars and the size and color of each.

(Image simulated by the program Stellarium, in the constellation Cygnus)

The magnitude of both stars are of 3.05 and 5.12 respectively. Remember, to a lesser extent, higher gloss. To give you an idea, the brightness of the moon when in the new moon phase is -12, and the brightest stars we see in the sky with the naked eye often have magnitudes between -1 and 2, and when Venus is visible, usually have a magnitude of about -3. In addition, the distance between Albireo and us is about 385 light years away (one light year equals about 9.46 × 10 12 km, so you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow "far away" that is). Lately I've been following

occasional double. If I have the opportunity to photograph them, set them here.

Friday, October 30, 2009

First Birthday Polkadot

The Orion Nebula (at least intuit xd)

Nothing after the first decent astro star, I have decided to try the same thing with Orion Nebula (M42 and M43). Is more complicated than a star, because the brightness of the nebula is weaker and to remove at its best it takes several minutes of exposure to capture all of its light. Even so, compact camera with just 1 second of exposure, the end result was not as bad as some senses at least cloudiness.

The truth is that the Orion cosntelación am very involved with his famous belt and one of the most famous nebula and a favorite among amateur astronomers. It is quite easy to locate, even for people who are not accustomed to watching the stars. If you look at the sky, sure you find the belt quickly, which is the first thing you are, then do the "drawing" an imaginary head and see perfectly the constellation.

I'm thinking of buying a solar laminates to fit them and so the telescope to observe the sun and try to photograph and hopefully, see an occasional sunspot. I've always been curious to see with the telescope, but without good protection in sheet form, is dangerous not to say that is reckless as to observe the sun directly with a telescope or binoculars without any kind of sunscreen is provoke some irreparable damage to the eyes. So to see if I get the sheet and begin to tell you things too the sun.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Creatine Brazilian Prices

The Pleiades

I am slowly progressing in the world of astrophotography, before one was able to take pictures of the moon, now I dare to stars and some other object Messier . The truth is that working with a team composed of a 3.2-megapixel compact camera is not easy, and if you compare the results with those with SLR cameras and telescope tracking engine, you can take to mourn. But the question is not who does it more beautiful or who makes the best picture, if not enjoy astronomy with the media you have, either with smaller telescopes, only with binoculars or not, at first glance you can also enjoy of astronomy.

The other day, I took the telescope to the terrace with a camera and home digiscoping adapter included. I wanted to try to take pictures of stars and to look up, the first thing I found was the pleiades . So I did not think, point the telescope, "hook" to the camera and started taking photos. At first glance, the Pleiades are very easy to find, and is one of the best known star clusters. It has been estimated that this cluster is composed of about 500 stars, emphasizing on the other 8, which are: Taygeta, Pleione, Merope, Maia, Electra, Calaeno, Atlas and Alcoyne.

The image that you can see the beginning of this entry, is composed of two different images. The left is a picture I did of the Pleiades (or rather part of the Pleiades) where you can see Stars Atlas, Pleione, Alcoyne and Merope. On the right is a simulated image of the cluster, the program Stellarium. There you can see the full cluster with all its stars.

Since the telescope are more stars than have left in the photo, but it's hard to capture those shiny with a camera so limited in features such as mine. Still, I am quite happy with the picture ^ ^.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Piper Aztec Parts Manual

"Astrovideo" Moon

Seeing that the day was more or less clear, and that the time change makes dark earlier, I used to do something that had long been thinking, and is nothing to make a slide show with videos made by me of the moon with different eye. Although the evening began to appear a few small puffs. The end result of assembly of the videos is as follows.

A funny thing happened to me was that while he was pointing at the moon and "fingering" the camera, I saw this screen, a plane passing "through" of the Moon. A pity that at that time was not recorded, because the picture was incredible. Also took the opportunity to record a short video of the main star of the constellation of Auriga, Capella. And the reason that prompted me to record it and nothing else, was the striking contrast of colors that could be seen eye. Being situated on the horizon, and "thank you" to our atmosphere, Capella had a striking range of colors like a disco xd focus.

When I finished making the videos, the puffs became cloudy, so I kept the telescope and left for another occasion.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gemmy Incredible Light Show Not Working

New multimedia section

a while since I wanted to create this section, and finally I decided to do so. As some already know, the blog available in an online channel through which aired several documentaries on astronomy. For a time, every time I try to upload any documentary that channel errors occur at any time, even I sometimes happened that after a while uploading the video when i was ready, gave me an error and "Jodie" everything. Other times it took over the account and others would not let me upload anything. So that an inability to further increase channel video library, I decided to put it aside and create a section of videos in the multimedia section. In the documentary will go up astronomy, from places like youtube, megavideo, .., which will be divided into parts, but thanks to a small rate, it will be easy to find the one you want.
videos section, there will be two more sections, a podcast where I will upload different audio programs on astronomy and one on wallpapers (wallpapers), where I will collect these wallpapers can be found on the Web.

All these items can be accessed from the horizontal menu bar that you can find the top of the page, you only have to click on "multimedia" and enter into that section.

Nothing more, I hope some will enjoy these contents and for any suggestions, here I am. Greetings to all

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Edible Glitter To Put In Drinks

Disappointing Mars

takes time off for various things, including astronomy. The other day I could finally see again, dust the telescope and me took a look. NO had a definite goal, I just started to see again those stars that until little more than a month were common in my observations at night. Jupiter

the first, with its 4 moons. A few stars and then tried again with the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). The latter cost me quite locate it, the truth is that if you are not well adapted eyes the darkness of the night, it costs more to see things, and if what you're trying to do is find a galaxy with a telescope like the Skylux, but still. But I got to see or rather guess hahaha.

Finally I pointed to Mars, a planet which had long wanted to see, the truth is that after seeing planets like Jupiter and Saturn, the image of Mars will leave some cold. You do not get any details distinguish just a tiny point. Throughout this week I will try to photograph it, but do not expect much because if the telescope is a pittance, imagine as we shall see in the picture I'll do with the team I have.

I'm back again, so you will continue seeing me around here like before this little impasse.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Prices For Salon Services

The Dark Side of the Moon Moon and

(Side of the Moon)

When a person becomes fond of astronomy and bought his first his first telescope or binoculars, puts aimed at the moon for its first observations. And this is normal, is what most "by hand" we have, and how the eye and can see details as you point your telescope to see just how close you get to see it. The first few times you get shocked, you see the many craters does the moon and you can even see the odd mountain. After several observations of the moon image is recorded you and you know recognize almost all of its parts.

But look again and again, although at different levels, always presents the same face. Why do you always see the same side?, "Just has that face the moon, Like to see the other side?. There are many questions one does, and how hoy dia, cualquiera tiene internet, en unos minutos encuentras respuestas a tus dudas. La verdad es que desde la Tierra solo se ve siempre la misma cara (en verdad conseguimos ver hasta 59% de la superficie total de la Luna), y es la que estamos cansados de ver en todos los sitios, aqui podeis ver algunas de las fotos que yo he hecho. Algunos piensan que no vemos la otra cara por que la Luna no tiene movimiento de rotación, es decir, no gira sobre si misma y que solo lo hace sobre la Tierra, movimiento de traslación. Esto es rotundamente falso, y si fuese así, si que veríamos todas las caras de la Luna.

Todos mas o menos conocemos que el tiempo que tarda la Luna en dar una vuelta sobre la Tierra (traslación) is 28 days, but not everyone knows is that the moon takes exactly the same time to give back on itself (rotation). This phenomenon causes always see the same face of the moon. What are you going to see better in the following 2D animation I made (the shaded half of the moon is the dark side):

As you can see, the moon always has the same face, if you realize, in these 8 steps, which makes one revolution around the Earth (translation), also turns around on itself (rotation). If not would spin on itself, or if its rotation period was different translation, if we could view other side, but the two periods being equal, the only way to see the dark side is getting out of the Earth, into space.

(As you can see, these 8 steps also turns on itself)

The picture that heads this post is a picture of the dark side. The first time I was able to photograph the face, was in 1959 by a Soviet spacecraft, the "Luna 3 '. And as you can see in the image, the face is much more "bombed" the other, and the reason is that face, and she is always staring into space, is more exposed to the impacts of small meteors. Building

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Easyworship Transition

phases over a period of 11 days

that I can finally make decent pictures, thanks to my digiscoping adapter home, I decided to follow the "growth" of the moon for a few days until it reaches the full moon phase. Specifically, the photos are from the Moon on the 25th of August to 4 September which was at the full moon phase. The picture quality is somewhat variable, some families have fared better than others, some with a little more brightness than others, with more details ... etc. We must also say that the more "big" is the moon, the harder it is to get details of craters and others. The end result is the following, I hope you like it.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ap Biology Lab Eightpopulation Genetics Answers

digiscoping adapter easy to install

It's been almost 9 months that I have the telescope, and one of the first things you think of when you have one is trying to photograph what you see, to have a souvenir or just teach it to their friends and family. Of course, the astrophotography is not easy , you need good telescopes, cameras good and good adaptability to achieve satisfactory results . The camera, preferably reflex, but if not, then with a compact can cost you to get started in astrophotography . I have a Canon compact, 3.2 megapixel , and at the moment I workaround as I can with it. Once we

telescope and camera that immortalize our observations, we need an adapter to "unite" the camera with the lens of the telescope. This technique photo is called disgiscoping , and of course if we have no adapter can do little. I had hitherto tried to make the photos by holding the handheld camera to the telescope, after many attempts getting decent pictures, but it was a pain, had to be patient and above all have pulse saliesen you do not shake. There comes a time when you stop them because you almost always go wrong, and that's when you start looking for Internet disgiscoping adapters. And find the find, but seeing the price and simplicity, try making I preferred one, so I was looking through different forums digiscoping adapters that users had made screws, wood and other materials. not seem difficult to do, but if there to dispose of certain materials that I had not, so I started looking in my drawers and shelves, things that might serve to make me an adapter for the camera. And I found a simple clamp controlled by a small flashlight to the handlebars of the bike , and a pair of rubber band . With images going to understand it better:


-clamp and rubber band :

-placed the clamp on the camera lens:

-stand with clamp camera on the telescope lens , and holds the rubber band :

Yes, it is very rudimentary and a bit shabby, but effective, at least in my case. In this way, I can take pictures without blur me, just focus, I give the that option, then shoot 10 seconds and give the trigger button. 10 seconds later and the telescope completely still, the camera takes the picture without image blur or fuzzy. After the picture quality will depend of the camera and the options on this. also have encouraged me to record some another video of the Moon, which will publish in a forthcoming entry.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What Color Pants & Tie Go With A Purple Shirt?

GALICIA enxebre

A joint project to implement a Galicia Enxebre value, ie true, to identify those features that really quality things Galicia.
As in Madrid use the term "Racy" to designate the genuineness of that land around here used the word "Enxebre" to identify the real thing, which is tasteless, the traditional, the popular "gallego".

why the Hotel de Naturaleza A Milky Way wants to offer the opportunity to experience those feelings real, trying to offer what some poet said of this land is a region of Galicia, is a feeling.

We want friends to visit us carried in his soul that feeling and accompany them wherever they go there and, like the thousands of Galician that populate the planet, are looking forward to returning.

What Should Cm Be Like Right Before Your Period


We have no restaurant open to the public, only accommodated, albeit with sufficient time accept bookings for groups (min 6, max 30) if we do not have many people hosted.
Our kitchen is handmade, traditional and regional levels, so only 1 menu per day do the same for all people. This menu can also agree, is to:
Starters, 1 º, 2 º, Galician bread, water or wine Ribeiro, Turbio or Tinto, jug and cup, homemade dessert and coffee.

Sample Menus:
Starters: Lacón A Feira, prawns 2 sauces, scrambled eggs with mushrooms and shrimp, homemade pie, seafood clams, mussels marinera.
First: Caldo Gallego. Ria seafood cream. Full Castilian soup, rice with clams. faves with clams, paella.
Seconds: Cod Milky Way. Poussin (chicken singles) Milky Way. Churrasco to Ribeiro. Galician Veal cutlet with vegetables. Grilled hake Milky Way. Lamb Shoulder Castellana.
Desserts: Flan Queixo, nougat custard, custard, rice pudding. Crepes.


Diners of this kind of food should book well in advance and can use the indoor heated pool.

All of the Hotel de Naturaleza A Milky Way that are hosted on the evening of June 23 are invited to the dinner the night Enxebre S. John is:
Churrasco, sardines and Queimada, then make a fire, the jump and celebrate.

Hotel Milky Way Nature A

information: 981411068-630585071

by mail:

Friday, March 20, 2009

Quickbooks 2009 License Number


have a specific site for the Museum of Meix, Pica
this link:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Leather Braided Bracelets With Names


Pica on this link and you will see some of the festivals North North enxebre: